Friday, 27 October 2017

Psycology in Water Related Project

Pyschology is a science which study the behaviour and thinking of individual or groups. This science seems unrelated with water projects but today I learned that this science is important.

Currently, I am handling a flood mitigation projet with total cost of  USD 2.4 million. We have a technical meeting to disscuss about which available options that can be implemented in this project.

Friday, 20 October 2017


Programming languages are something important in our digital era nowadays. After I did a little research on what kind of programming languages that I should learn. The answer is PYTHON. Therefore, I dedicate a special page in my blog to discuss and elaborate about python on how we can master this programming language effectively.
The first question came into my mind is why Python? These are the reason why I choose Python:
1. Python is high level programming language. We don't need to make variables or argument declarations. It is straight-forward coding.
2. You don't have to do a coding from scratch. Some people certainly have developed it for you. What you have to do is revising it and update to suit your intention.

Ok, lets start with tools you need to have to run python. It depends on what kind of operating system you have, it will slightly difference the methodology. Most of programmers they prefer to use Linux which could be true. Myself use Linux, it is usually I am working using company PC which is not allow to install any softwre without permission from IT department. Therefore, I installed Virtual Machine using Linux to explore Python.
1. Install Python
No need. Linux already bring along the python.
2. Environment
So, you have language (i.e. python) but you cannot use it until you have environment or place to understand the language. I use miniconda, the mini version of anaconda.

To install miniconda:
donwload the file from
open your terminal and direct to download folder
cd donwload/ and install it

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Regional Flood Frequency Analysis

Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (RFFA) is one of methods which commonly used to determine design floods in rural areas. The example of utilising this method is for designing water-related structures such bridges, regulators, and dams.
Probability Distribution of Annual Maximum Streamflow

Two major steps in creating RFFA are: (1) determine the homogeneity regions (2) produce a frequency curve. Both of these steps need statistical analysis specifically probability distributions.
Among many method of RFFA, Index Flood Method initiated by Darlymple (1960) is the famous one. He proposed that homogeneity region is based on recurrence interval of 10 years and probability distribution using EV 1 with method of moment (MOM). United States of Geological Survey (USGS) is also adopting this method in their standard procedures.

To do this analysis, the first step is collecting the data. The importance data needed are as follows:

1. Annual Peak Flow
Annual peak flow or Maximum Annual Flood (AMAX) usually can be collected from water authority. This is a peak daily discharge within a year. The data was derived from rating curves of water levels and flow measurement. It is important therefore to check the raw data and plot them together so we can get the sense of the quality of the data.

The data must be random and independent. If the peak discharges are getting higher and higher over the years. This is an indication that we cannot use this data. Probably due to rapid development or control structures have been built in the catchment area.

2. Annual Rainfall
Annual rainfall is a cumulative of rainfall within a year. Similar to flow data, the rainfall data should have not a trend over the years. If the data higher from time to time or vice verse then it cannot be used as it was not independent anymore.

3. Catchment Area
Catchment area is the most significant parameter in determining the peak flow. Other factors such as slope, altitute, may also contribute to rising flow significantly. However, adding more parameters which make formula much complicated and the results are significantly improved, it is better to take the simple one but still represent the reality.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Penyaring Sampah

Baru-baru ini ada kawan saya menanyakan apakah bisa bikin desain untuk penyaring sampah. Saya jawab bahwa perusahan tempat saya bekerja sudah pernah membuat sistem hidrolik penyaring sampah. Kemudian saya tanya berapa kapasitas sampah untuk disaring? Jawabannya Kali Ciliwung kira-kira berapa ya....

Seperti kita ketahui bersama Kali Ciliwung adalah salah satu sungai yang punya tingkat polusi tertinggi di dunia. Sampah apapun baik sampah domestik, industri, barang bekas ada di sana. Perkiraan sampah yang ada bisa sampai 60 ton ketika musim hujan. Hal yang tidak mugkin dilakukan penyaringan sampah secara otomatis. Jalan satu-satunya yaitu dengan mengangkut sampah secara manual yaitu menggunakan krane diatas pontoon dan truk pengangkut sampah.

Melihat kompleknya permasalah kali ciliwung, saya sarankan dengan menggunakan penekanan sosial di kawasan tadah hujan. Faktor utama sampah di Kali Ciliwunga adalah kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkunhan khususnya sungai. Itu dulu dilaksanakn secara intens dan berkesinambungan. Setelah itu bisa dilakakukan managemen pengelolaan kawasan tadah hujan. Tentu saja apapun solusi yang diterapkan harus melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Jobs in water sector

After I graduated from UNESCO-IHE in April 2015, I am back to my home town in Kediri, Indonesia to meet my family. While I was enjoying togetherness with my family I tried to apply jobs which related to my background study. Surprisingly, it is not so hard to get a job in a water sector. After 3 months of trying, I got 3 job offers. The fist offer is come from a local NGO which has water quality monitoring project in Ciliwung River. This offer is based-project job which means they only need me on the specific project. After project has done, I need to find another job again. This is dilemma for me as I have a family to feed. The next offer is a PhD position in one of reputable university in Malaysia. I was thingking this is a good option for me but then I need a real experience not just study. Finally, I chose the last offer i.e. working with a water consultancy firm in Malaysia.

One thing that could be important during finding a job in a water sector is connectivity. IHE is the most reputable inatitute to create water profeaaionals around the world. Wherever I go, I alwaysJ find alumni that can support me i  many aspects. So, thanks to IHE for doing a great job and wish can withstand forever.